Jump Point Search with Temporal Obstacles
heuristic pathfinding jump point search temporal obstacles |
PaperID: 34
We consider a novel symmetry breaking algorithm - in the style of Jump Point Search – for pathfinding in 4-connected uniform-cost grids with temporal obstacles that appear and disappear at set times. This problem appears in several important contexts such as multi-agent coordination and computer games. Our approach is evaluated in these contexts and is shown to result in significant improvements, especially when the temporal obstacles are sparse |
Session 9: Classical Planning | Search
Jump Point Search with Temporal Obstacles
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Width-Based Backward Search
Authors: Chao Lei and Nir Lipovetzky
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The Consistent Case in Bidirectional Search and a Bucket-to-Bucket Algorithm as a Middle Ground between Front-to-End and Front-to-Front
Authors: Vidal Alcázar
Contracting and Compressing Shortest Path Databases
Authors: Bojie Shen, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Daniel Harabor and Peter Stuckey
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